Category: recording

Working during lockdown…

It looks like many (if not all) of our gigs are being postponed for this year due to the old virus situation, but we’re trying to keep some sort of activity going. We began work on our third album just before all this craziness started, and we’re continuing to record (remotely, in isolation) as much……

NEW CD! Hot Cats is now available

The fruits of our recent labour are now available to buy – our second album Hot Cats has come back from the duplicators just in time for a short Netherlands Tour (5th-9th October 2016) – as soon as we get back we’ll make the album available to purchase through the website.

*Update* – Click the image to……

CD Review – Lancashire Blues Archive

Review for ‘The Missing Persians’ – CD – ‘The Missing Persians’ – 2014 [Self release]

The first full album from ‘The Missing Persians’ is a refreshing change. It is not steeped in one style of music which keeps the interest going, with an eclectic mix of blues, country blues, Americana, rock, jazz, soul, funk, reggae and……

The Missing Persians – First album released!

The Missing Persians released their first album on 22nd July 2014. Recorded at John Jacob (JJ)’s house, and mixed by Chas and The Missing Persians.

Mastered by the wonderful Tim Turan at Turan Audio
The Missing Persians by The Missing Persians

The Missing Persians recording at Farmyard Studio

Some pictures of The Missing Persians recording at Farmyard Studio July 2013

We demoed some songs for our here in July 2013, although none of the recordings were used on the resulting album, the work we did here helped us to decide on a way forward with our sound

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